Message From the CPJH Administration

School Advisory Council (SAC)

 We are looking to add two community members to our SAC this year. If you would like to be on the schools SAC or know someone who meets the below criteria and would like to join us, please email Trina Canavan, Principal .  The deadline to express interest is Wednesday, September 25th.  CPJH SAC meets in person on the third Tuesday of the following months; October, November, January, February, April & May.  The meetings times are held in-person at Clayton Park Junior High from 5:30-7pm.

Community member criteria

  • must not be an employee of Clayton Park Junior High
  • may or may not have children registered at Clayton Park Junior High School
  • must reside in the geographical area served by Clayton Park Junior High School or provide a service to or within the geographical area served by Clayton Park Junior High School


Orange Shirt Day – September 27th

Orange Shirt Day is a day where we encourage everyone to wear orange in honor of the survivors and victims of residential schools. The story of the Orange Shirt comes from Phyllis Webstad, who at six years old, had her brand-new orange shirt stolen from her on her first day at residential school. This movement has created allies across Canada, and the act of wearing an Orange Shirt shows our support for Indigenous peoples on this day. At Clayton Park, we will be wearing orange on Friday, September 27, in honour of residential school survivors and to demonstrate a collective belief that every child matters.


Updated Demographics and Information in PowerSchool

All families should have received an email today asking you to review and update any changes to your student’s information in PowerSchool. In the past, paper copies were sent home with students, however HRCE has made this procedure easier and paper-free. This is to ensure that we have the correct information in PowerSchool for communicating with you, emergency contacts, consent for publication, etc. Consent for publication gives permission for us to use a student’s photo or exemplar work in our yearbook, website and other social media. Thank you for reviewing this information.  Please take time in the next day or two to review this email.  The subject line in the email would have been: HRCE Student Demographic Update for (Students Name).


Water Bottles

Students are reminded to bring a water bottle with them as, there is no access to water fountains.  We have water bottle refill stations for students to fill their water bottles throughout the day. 


Important Dates

September 26th – Curriculum Evening 6-7:30 pm

September 27th – Orange Shirt Day

September 30th – Truth and Reconciliation Day (No Classes)

October 1st – Treaty Day (Culturally Significant Day Schools Open)

October 1st – Picture Day

October 1st – October 18th – RWM 6 (Grade 6 Reading, Writing and Math Provincial Assessment)

October 11 – Professional Development Day (No Classes)

October 14th – Thanksgiving (No Classes)

October 25th – Provincial Conference Day (No Class